Understanding the divinity and personhood of the Holy Spirit lays the foundation for understanding the general work of the Holy Spirit in the World and his work in the life of the believer. This description of his work helps us grasp a fuller picture of who he is. Whereas we often understand the Father through how he is described throughout the Bible and the Son through his teachings and ministry, we best understand the Holy Spirit through his actions and work. 

First, the Work of the Holy Spirit: In our Doctrine, we describe some of the unique works of the Holy Spirit. A general working of the Holy Spirit and a specific work in the life of the Believer. Understanding the Holy Spirit's general work in the world, including the differences in the ministry of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament, should give us a deeper appreciation for our access to God today. 

In the Old Testament the Holy Spirit temporarily rested on or empowered individuals to carry out God's will for the Good of God's people. We see that Joseph was filled with the Holy Spirit to do administrative work in Egypt in Genesis 41:38Bezalel was filled with the Spirit to creatively worship God in building things for the Tabernacle in Exodus 31:3-5we read that the Spirit equipped Judges during Israel's need for leadership in Judges 6:34 and filled Kings with abilities to lead in 1 Samuel 16:13

While these were temporary giftings to move God's people along in God's plan, there was an anticipation and longing for God's spirit to come and be more active and present in the community of God. Let’s read Joel 2:28-29Joel looked forward to a day when all would have access to God's Spirit, writing “Then, after doing all those things, I will pour out my Spirit upon all people.  Your sons and daughters will prophesy.  Your old men will dream dreams, and your young men will see visions. In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on servants—men and women alike

We also see a broader role of the Holy Spirit in the world at large as evidenced by John 16:5-14. Jesus instructed the Believers that the Holy Spirit would "Convict the world of its sin, and of God's righteousness, and of the coming judgement"

At Pentecost, the role of the Holy Spirit became more personal. Take some time and Read Acts 2:1-13. On the day of Pentecost, a short time after Jesus' ascension, the Believers were gathered together and experienced an act of God. There was a sound of mighty wind and what 'looked like flames or tongues of fire' that settled on each of them. In the Old Testament, Theophany (or the physical evidence of God's appearance) was often accompanied by fire. Images such as the Burning Bush appearance to Moses and the Pillar of Fire that led the Israelites through the wilderness. As we have also seen, wind or breath is also an idea attached to the Holy Spirit. 

At this event everyone was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in languages they did not previously know. This caused quite a stir in the community and Peter stepped up to give a powerful message to the crowd and residents of Jerusalem. Importantly, Peter connects this event to the prophecy of Joel 2:28-32. As we read, God's message through Joel looked forward to a time when not just the privileged or few would speak words from God but all would have access to the Holy Spirit. This longing looked forward to was realized on Pentecost!

It cannot be understated just how revolutionary this was in the history of God working in and through his people. Prior to Jesus' work on the Cross and the coming of the Spirit at Pentecost, access to God was only through the priestly religious system and animal sacrifice. But, because of Jesus' work on the cross, all could have direct access to God. See Hebrews 10:19-22.

So, what role does the Holy Spirit now play in the life of the believer?

First, The Holy Spirit Initiates the conversion from our previous life to turn us toward Jesus Christ through the conviction of Sin. John 16:8-11 that we read earlier show

Second, The work of the Holy Spirit only begins with conviction. The Holy Spirit empowers the followers of Jesus to carry out his ministry. It was Jesus himself who told his disciples that "he who believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these…." John 14:12.  This empowerment, in a similar manner to that which we read about in the Old Testament, is still available to us today. 

In addition to the empowerment that Jesus described to the Believers, he also told them that the Holy Spirit would indwell inthose who follow him. John 14:16-17The Indwelling of the Holy Spirit is important and a great comfort because we have direct access to God and the opportunity to change and become more Christlike, from the inside out. This also includes an intercessory role on our behalf. Paul wrote in Romans 8:26-27 that "the Spirit himself intercedes for us with sighs too deep for words". We have assurance that when we do not know how to pray or what to pray for, God's Spirit is available and willing to guide us and speak on our behalf. 

Another major piece of the Spirit's indwelling is Sanctification. Sanctification is the continual transformation of our moral and spiritual character to grow into who Christ has called us to be. Romans 8:1-17 describes this supernatural work where we become more Christlike as we continue to seek God's will. 

The Holy Spirit also has a teaching role in our individual lives and that of our Church. Jesus said the Spirit would "Testify all about (him)" and described him as the Spirit of Truth in John 14:26. Illuminating scripture and helping us continually understand Jesus is an important ministry of the Holy Spirit. 

Importantly, Scripture also tells us that the Holy Spirit provides certain special giftings to the followers of Jesus to glorify him and build up the body of Christ. The Bible lists a number of different giftings in passages such as Romans 12:6-8, 1 Corinthians 12:4-11, Ephesians 4:11, and 1 Peter 4:11. There are a number of things to keep in mind about how God, through the Holy Spirit equips us for service.  

While we do have this list of various giftings, their functions or listings differ. For example, the Ephesians 4 passage lists more of a category of giftings where the 1 Corinthians 12 passage is more specific. Since none of these lists in scripture are identical we can assume that this is not an exhaustive list of all the ways the Spirit can empower us for Christian service.

These gifts are always bestowed on the Church for the edification or growth of the whole body. These spiritual gifts are not simply for personal enjoyment or enrichment for the individual but are expressed in and for community.  Also, there is no hierarchy of gifts. Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 12 that the gifting of the Church is like a body and every part needs the other. God has designed it to work in harmony, building up and working together where each is called and equipped. 

Understanding the Holy Spirit and his work in our lives brings us to some important conclusions.

First, that the Holy Spirit is direct, personal, indwelling access to God for all of our needs. 

Second, We acknowledge that are believers are called to Jesus Christ and called to service in the Kingdom. The Holy Spirit equips us for the task ensuring that God's will is done in God's people and that we are never alone.  God himself goes with us. 

Finally, The Holy Spirit is active and working today! He works in us through sanctification to transform our lives to be more like Jesus and equips us corporately as the Church to represent Jesus in the world. 


